The home with some hail damage.
home with some hail damage.
Salesman Robbie marking the hail hits.
Robbie D. marks all hail hits with chalk.
More hail damage on the other side of the house.
Hail damage found all all around the roof.
Catch- all in place.
The catch-all in place to protect the home from any debris.
Crew members removing the old shingles.
Crew members hard at work to remove the shingles.
IKO Dynasty Shingles being delieved.
IKO Dynasty Shingles being delivered mid morning to start the processes of placing the shingles.
Ridge vent put in place.
By adding the Ridge Vent the ventilation will be improved in the attic.
Last shingles placed on the roof.
Every shingles placed meticulously on the roof.