Home with severe damage.
Home with severe damage to the roof.
Miss matched shingles and shingle damage.
damaged shingles and replacement shingles with another color and Hail hits.
Rotting decking causing leaking.
Decking with rotting damage causing leaking in the home.
Rotting in other areas of roof.
Critical damages to the roof needing replacing the decking.
Replacing the decking with new decking.
New decking being placed on the roof.
IKO Dynasty Singles
IKO Dynasty Shingles ready to be put on the roof.
Finish product of Fortenberry Roofing.
Replacing the roof. With top of the line Shingles IKO Dynasty Shingles in the color Sedona.
The Beautiful Home with a new roof.
The new IKO Dynasty Shingles to add to the beautiful home aesthetics.