Hail Damage to Roof.
Hail storm that hit Clovis New Mexico. Damaging the roof.
Hail damage spots
The hail hitting the roof and leaving its mark.
Piece of the shingle missing.
Damages to the shingles due to the weather.
Old tar around the chimney.
Wear and tear on the old chimney tar.
Hail hits marked by the Sales Department.
Hail damage reveled
Fortenberry Roofing crew added the catch all.
By adding the catch all insures that no damages are made to the house.
Klaus Roofing system.
By adding the Klaus Roofing System ice and Water adds additional protection to the roof.
IKO Dynasty Shingles
IKO Dynasty Shingles being delivered to the job site.
Klaus Roofing System VeloraOne Synthetic
Adding the VeloraOne Synthetic System will insure durable defensive layer between your roof deck and shingles.
The journey is almost finished
Crew members working hard to finish the roof.
Hard work does pay OFF
Fortenberry Roofing put in all the work. Making the roof look amazing.