Are You Considering Insulating Your Attic?
Despite what some insulation companies will have you believe, attic insulation is not solely for homes in colder climates. Insulation works just as effectively in areas with hot summer days as they do for the rest of the country. Unfortunately, not many homeowners give enough attention to the way their attics are insulated.

You can think of attic insulation as an investment. A properly insulated attic can save you 10 to 50% on your annual energy consumption, either for heating or cooling purposes. Here are a few pointers from our experts at Fortenberry Roofing about insulating your attic and how it can help you.
DIY Vs. Professionally Installed Insulation
It’s tempting to take on attic insulation as a DIY project, however, the best way to maximize your efforts is to contract the help of a certified professional. When you attempt to do attic insulation yourself, you run the risk of choosing the incorrect materials, which can cost you more in the long run instead of saving you money. Improper insulation without ventilation can lead to high humidity levels in the attic, as well. Contact your local roofing expert about attic insulation for best results.
Credits and Rebates
Some states offer tax rebates and credits for homes who take steps to improve their energy efficiency. This includes properly insulating your attic. While rates can vary from one area to another, it helps to know just how much tax credits your insulated attic can qualify for. Don’t hesitate to ask your contractor about this often overlooked benefit.
Preparing Your Attic
Most homeowners tend to schedule their attic insulation right after getting a roof replacement. Before you do so, however, it’s important to prepare your attic adequately. Make sure that all leaks in your roof are fixed and sealed completely. Box off any light and electrical fixtures as they can be a fire hazard when they come in contact with some types of insulation.
At Fortenberry Roofing, you can count on our energy efficient specialists to help you find the right attic insulation solution for your home. Give us a call at 1-806-385-6761 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in Plainview, Morton, and other nearby areas in TX.